We are proud to announce that Crimson has been installed at the COGIC for the interministerial crisis supervision and management. The COGIC is the French national crisis management operational centre operating under the authority of the Ministry of the Interior. It analyses and manages natural and technological disasters, provides situational information and interfaces with the operational centres of other ministries, and coordinates the crisius management response and resources throughout the country.
Barely installed, Crimson demonstrated its effectiveness and robustness in monitoring, reporting and sharing information with the highest levels of government during the Ciarán storm in November 2023.
Au centre de crises de la @SecCivileFrance pour faire le point sur les conséquences de la #TempeteCiaran. Merci à nos sapeurs-pompiers pour les plus de 3 500 interventions qu’ils ont réalisées ces dernières heures. 15 personnes légèrement blessées, une gravement et une décédée. pic.twitter.com/ifoGuq7Dx7
— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) November 2, 2023